1. Introduction (author)

1. Introduction (author)

Netex learningMaker is an authoring tool to easily create and edit e-learning content and publish it in different formats to be used in any CMS, LMS, or web site.

The contents created are compatible with multiple devices and they can be published in different formats (Web, SCORM, xAPI, etc.). By using HTML5 technology and "Responsive Design" techniques, a content generated under this format is fully adapted to the device on which it is displayed.

Netex learningMaker allows you to create your own contents (called "projects") in a collaborative and delocalised way, so that other users can be involved in their creation.

Each project uses a template that defines the content's behavior (design, navigation...). This authoring tool provides the following basic templates:

  • Express. It shows all content on a single page. Sections like internal anchors can be added. This kind of template is used for short and concise contents.
  • Multi-página. It allows adding several pages, with a general navigation menu and forward/backward buttons. This template is one of the most versatile and easy to use.
  • Video. The central element in this template is the video. A brief descriptive content and other support resources can be added to it.
  • BasicThis template is highly versatile and it has greater configuration and customisation options. The Basic template allows creating different pages, sections, subsections and several navigation styles.

In addition to the basic templates, ad-hoc custom templates can be created  for our customers, offering them a content adapted to their training needs.


There are three types of LearningMaker users:

  • Administrators. They are in charge of managing the authoring tool (users, permissions, etc.).
  • Authors. They are in charge of creating and authoring contents.
  • Reviewers. They can be as many as you want (they do not count for your licence). They are in charge of reviewing all projects assigned to them. Reviewers can communicate with authors through the comment system (see section section 4.6).

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