6.1 Catalogue (app)
By clicking on you will display the available courses included in the Catalogue. Also, you can view the details of a specific course before enrolling in it.
Search engine and Catalogue filters
To locate those courses of your interest, you can use the search engine and the button filter.
The Catalogue filters allow setting a filter in the Catalogue titles list.
You can filter by collections, categories or the courses in which you are not enrolled. Also, you can filter according with the course enrolment policy (free access or enrolment request).
Session information label
An informative label can be found on some sessions in order to inform on their restrictions.
- Desktop only. It indicates that it is only possible to access the session from a desktop computer.
- App only. It indicates that it is only possible to access the session from the app.
- Without label. It indicates that it is possible to access the session from both a desktop computer and the app.
View course and session information
Clicking on the icon
in the course, you will view a menu that provides access to the course information.To access the session information, click on the icon
.The session information includes the Excerpt, Objectives and starting and end dates.