Manual learningCloud
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Netex product legacy manual (english)
Inside Netex Suite (EN)
Social (learningCloud) EN
learningMaker (learningCloud EN)
Requisitos Técnicos (learningMaker EN) TRAD
Maker Admin's Guide (learningCloud)
Maker Author's Guide (learningCloud)
1. Introduction (author)
2. Starting to use learningMaker (author)
2.1 Signing in and Signing out
2.2 Navigating through folders and projects
2.3 Editing my profile
2.4 Changing my password
2.5 Recovering my password
2.6 Searching projects and folders
2.7 Changing the display language in learningMaker
2.8 Managing notifications and messages
3. Managing folders (author)
4. Configuring a project (author)
5. Editing a project (author)
6. Creating and editing quizzes (author)
7. Creating a book (author)
8. Importing/exporting a project (author)
9. Templates
learningCloud Mobile 2.9 (EN)
OpenSesame (learningCloud)
Google Analytics (learningCloud)
Anders Pink (learningCloud)
Netex Catalogue
Other manuals
Manual learningCentral (italiano)
Manual del histórico de productos Netex (español)
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Manual learningCloud
2.4 Changing my password
2.4 Changing my password
Netex Sistemas
Owned by
Netex Sistemas
Last updated:
Feb 18, 2016
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Click on your username in the upper right corner on the screen and select "
My profile"
Click on
"Change password"
Enter your current password and your new password. Click on
"Modificar contraseña"
, multiple selections available,
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