Associating surveys to activities in a course (learningCloud)

Associating surveys to activities in a course (learningCloud)

Associating a survey to an activity allows you to know the satisfaction degree of a student regarding the training received. 

To associate a survey to an activity of a course:

  1. Go to "Courses" and click on one of them.
  2. Select the "Activities" tab and click on one of them.
  3. Go to the "Surveys" tab.
  4. Click on "Associate survey".
  5. Select a survey and click on "Continue".

To end the association of a survey to an activity:

  1. Go to "Courses" and click on one of them.
  2. Select the "Activities" tab and click on one of them.
  3. Go to the "Surveys" tab and click on "Delete".


  1. Go to "Surveys" and click on one of them.
  2. Select the "Activities" tab and click on one of them
  3. Go to the "Associated Activities" tab.
  4. Select the activity from which you want to dissociate the survey and click on "Remove survey from the selected activities".


The survey associated with an activity can be launched in two possible scenarios:

  • When a student passes a tsession (in self-paced activities a student can pass a session before it is finalised)
  • When a session is finalised (if the student does not pass a session or it is an instructor-led activity, the student will launch the survey when the session passes to a finalised status).