Course recipients management (learningCloud)

User groups for which a course is intended can be indicated from the "Recipients" tab. Different collective fields can be filled by adding groups. Each collective can have a different group configuration. Adding different groups to the same collective is exclusive: a user has to belong to all groups to enrol in a course.


Selecting groups from Recipients tab does not enrol students in a course. Once groups have been added to the collective section, only users included in these groups can enrol in a course.


To add user groups, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Courses".
  2. Select the course to which you want to apply enrolment restrictions by user groups.
  3. Go to "Recipients" tab.
  4. Click on "Edit collectives".
  5. Click on "Add groups" from the collective you want to edit.
  6. Select the groups to which the user have to belong.
  7. Click on "Add selected".
  8. Click on "Save".