Managing enrolment requests for a collection

Managing enrolment requests for a collection

Managing requests

By checking the option so that students can access a collection by request, you will receive requests.

A list of pending requests will be displayed on the homepage of the platform to access to them directly.

Also you can check it from "Requests" tab within a collection.

A student request can be accepted or rejected from "Actions" pull-down menu. Managing several students' requests at the same time is possible by selecting them and clicking on "Accept request" or "Reject request", depending on the case.

Enrolling students

A student can be enrolled without requiring their previous request.

To enrol students in a collection directly, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Collections" and select the collection you want to manage.
  2. Go to "Students" tab.
  3. Click on "Enrol students".
  4. Select students you want to enrol.
  5. Click on "Enrol those selected".