9.1.6 Insert and Configure Components

9.1.6 Insert and Configure Components


The elements that can be incorporated into a page.

  • Structural (rows, columns…)
  • Textual
  • Resource storage (audio, videos…)
  • Component storage (panels…) 

Most components are added within a column. 

Rows and Columns

The basic components of any page are ROW and COLUMN.

The rest of the components are created WITHIN COLUMNS.


AT THE Row LEVEL >>> Column

AT THE COLUMN LEVEL >>>  Components.

Rows occupy 100% of the screen width.

Columns can occupy from 1 to 12 spaces. 

Rows are added at the page level.  The system allows for as many columns as desired in any format.  After creating the row, more columns can be added later. 

To select a column, go to the navigation menu or select it from the filepath menu.  

Columns can occupy up to 12 spaces (100% of the available width). The number of spaces that the column will occupy can be adjusted.

To go “half and half,” two columns with a width of 6 are needed.

Or there could be two columns with a widths of 2 and 10; as long as the total is 12. 

12 is always 100% of the width.

Text // Quotations


Occupies 100% of the page or column in which it is located.  It does not have properties.

It is configured with its own editor CKEditor.


Component with two texts: body and author.

In its properties you can float the quotation to place it “in line” with text.  The width it will occupy can be configured and it will be right- or left-aligned.


Image Exchanger // Before and After

4.Image Exchanger

Allows for two related images to be added.  When the user clicks on the first image, the second image is shown.

Captions and credits can be added to each photo.

The width and placement of the component in relation to the text can be configured in properties. 


Allows for two related images to be added.  When the mouse hovers over them, one of the two is displayed. 

Captions and credits can be added to each photo.

The width and placement of the component in relation to the text can be configured in properties. 


Image Gallery // Panel

6.Image Gallery

Series of images.  Images can be added, and captions and credits can be added to each image.  The properties of each image must be configured. 



Area highlighted with color.  Any component can be included within it (text, images, videos…)

The style can be defined under properties: simple (plain background) or striped.  If options for customizations are selected, the background and border colors can be manually configured. 

Accordion// Tab Group


Folding menu. If Customized style is selected under properties, the background color can be configured. 

New options can be added (accordion elements).  Any component can be added within each Element of the accordion.

9.Tab Group

Tab menu. If Customized style is selected under properties, the background color can be configured. New options can be added (tabs). Any component can be added with each tab. 

Audio // Video // YouTube




Non-Interactive Activities// External Animations

13. Non-Interactive Activities

Indented text that adds activity numbering.

Does not have specific properties.

Any component can be added within it.

14.External Animations 

Allows for html5 animations to be embedded

Dividers // Footnotes


Graphic text dividers. The appearance and style can be selected under properties.


  • The reference is added.
  • The Title is given under properties.
  • It is linked to a text with “Footnotes” 

17.Click Maps

Interactive image.  Select the image and click “Configure” to add clickable areas. 

Drag and drop in the management areas to create clickable areas.  Press save and it will close.

Select the areas created on the image, and under properties, indicate which element will be linked (pop-up, pdf, or url).

18.Tracking Summary

Although this component appears on the feedback page by default, it can be added to any other page.

It does not require configuration. 


A questionnaire consists of:

A home page (configurable text)
Questions. There are 8 types to choose from.
Final feedback : positive, negative, or neutral (configurable text).  

Questionnaire>> Questions

Different types of questions can be added to questionnaires. There are 8 available types.

All questions have the same configuration parameters.  

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 1. Single Response

Consists of:

  • A statement
  • Options
  • Positive and negative feedback

Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement.

Text and/or images can be added to each response option.

More response options can be added.

The correct option is indicated under properties, and the selection button can be aligned on the left or the right..

Positive and negative feedback associated with the question.  Free text. 

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 2. Multiple Choice

It is configured in the same way as the simple Response. 

The only difference is that there can be two or more correct options.

  • Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement.

  • Text and/or images can be added to each response option.

  • More response options can be added.

  • Positive and negative feedback associated with the question.  Free text. 

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 3. Text Response

Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement.

Text field where the student writes.  It does not have properties.

Only one per activity can be added.

Positive and negative feedback associated with the question. 

Free text. 

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 4. Fill-in-the-Blank

1.Place the cursor on the text in the position where the blank should be created.

2.Select the “Fill-in-the-Blank Option” component in the editor.

3.Under the properties of the blank created, indicate which is the correct text and give a title to the blank (optional).

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 5. Matching

Consists of relating a source to a destination using arrows.

This is the basic configuration, but new components can be added.

Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement..

New sources and destinations can be added. 

Text and images can be added within a source or destination.. 


Select each destination, and under properties, give each a title.

Then select the source, and under properties, indicate which destination it matches with.

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 6. Drag and Drop

Consists of dragging a source to a destination.

This is the basic configuration, but new components can be added.

Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement.

New sources and destinations can be added. 

Text and images can be added within a source or destination.


Select each destination, and under properties, give each a title.

Then select the source, and under properties, indicate which destination it matches with.

It is optional to give it a title.

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 7. True/False

Text, images, audio, and video can be added to the statement.

Response option.

Text or images can be added within each option.

New response option can be added later. 

For each response option, under properties, indicate if the statement is true or false.

Positive and negative feedback associated with the questions.  Free text. 

Questionnaire>> Questions. // 8. Drop-Down


1. Place the cursor in the text where the blank will be created.

2. Select the “drop-down” component in the text editor.

3. Select the drop-down and add the options that can be chosen in the drop-down menu. 

4. Open the drop-down menu and choose an option.  An option can be given a title under properties.  Repeat the process with all options.

5. Select the drop-down again, and indicate which option is correct under properties.

It is optional to give a title to the drop-down

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