
Inside "Edit Details" you will be able to find certificates section inside PLANS and COURSES only.

By default is set to NO after changing to yes you will see the following options.

Yes (available for students as soon as they pass the plan) it means all the students will see their certification after come through the plan.

Yes (available for students as soon as they pass the plan) it means the plan must be finished to have visibility about certification completed.

After setting the value to any yes you will see:

Certificate validity period: Here, you can set the days this certification will be active.

Allow re-certification: By checking this box, a student will be able to repeat the plan or course for the certification.

Certificate template: You can select the template that you created for this certification.

Certificate´s additional information: Text-box to add additional information required, will be printed in certificate's 2nd page.

Student Visibility

By default, all students enrolled to a certificated course or plan will have this new option on their profile menu.

When a customer is enrolled in a certificate Course or plan they will see the activities in their open training desktop.

After finishing every activity, will be moved to completed learning.

In case renewal option was checked in course/plan details, Renew action will be present after the training certification is passed.

In case we push Renew we will be able to pick RENEW in the activity.

We will be advised about loosing all previous historical records for this Activity before starting the renew.

If all the training in this course/plan is passed, we will be able to download our certificate.


Certificates that are next to their last 7 days to renewal will receive a notification. 


The notification is set to be sent every Sunday at 11:00 PM UTC+1